PSO2COMI (Japanese: ぷそ煮コミ, Puso Ni Comi) is an offical online comic that tells the story of a character named Mitarashi and her daily interactions in PSO2. She has a close friend named Tetra, along with a multitude of other friends. It's full of in-game jokes that are surprisingly relatable.
They were officially translated into English and hosted on the website. However, on the January 25th 2022 redesign, the entire original PSO2 website was lost, including the comics. Using the waybackmachine website and some badly written code, we have been able to save all of them and repost them below for you to read. Enjoy!
PSO2Comi was also turned into an anime! The PSO2Comi anime episodes (in Japanese with subtitles) are available on Youtube (Season 1 / Season 2). After you finish all these, make sure to check out their new adventures in NGS via the official website!
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