Phantasy Star Nova English Patch

Download the English patch by clicking here.

Want to help translate? Click here to check out the Github Repo for the English patch!

※The following screenshots depict an unfinished patch in development.


  1. If you haven't already, download the latest RePatch plugin from here, transfer it to your vita and add it under *KERNEL section of your config.txt (ur0:tai/repatch.skprx or ux0:tai/repatch.skprx). Reboot your Vita after you've finished.
  2. Create a new directory called "rePatch" (Capitalization matters!) in ux0. (ux0:/rePatch)
  3. Create a new directory called "PCSG00351" in ux0:/rePatch/. (ux0:/rePatch/PCSG00351)
  4. After extracting the CPK file from the ZIP above, just drop the CPK into the ux0:/rePatch/PCSG00351 folder.

Note: Using rePatch will allow the patch to work on all versions of the game - Mai (why isn't this dead yet?), Vitamin, retail cart/download, and NoNpDRM.

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Site & Translations © 2025 Arks-Layer

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