This will translate most of the game to English, with updates to follow as we map out more of the vita layout.
In addition, we've created a Vita application (PSO2v Tweaker) to install/update the English patch for you (and launch PSO2 vita), so you don't even need a PC to update the patch!
Want to help translate? Click here to check out the Github Repo for the English patch!
※The following screenshots depict an unfinished patch in development.
It's recommended that you play PSO2 by opening the PSO2v Tweaker every time (to make sure you have the latest patch).
(You can skip these instructions by installing the PSO2v Tweaker application above - It will install/update the patch for you!)
You will need to manually check this website every so often to see if a new patch is available. Older patches may break your game's functionality.
Note: Using rePatch will allow the patch to work on all versions of the game - Mai (why isn't this dead yet?), Vitamin, retail cart/download, and NoNpDRM.
A: You need a JP PSN account to download it through PSN, or you can download it using any region account via NoPayStation/pkgj/any other number of tools. You can play the game using any region account once downloaded. Yes, this game is free to download/play.
Q: Can I use my character from the PC/PS4/Switch version on vita?A: Yes - The first time you login with your SEGA ID , it will be linked to your PSN account.
A: You will need a card over 16GB to play this game. As in, a 32GB+ official sony memory card or SD2VITA with more than 16GB of space.
Q: Which ship is the one most English players use?A: Ship 02.
Q: Does this game have offline/single player?A: No, but if you're looking for that kind of thing, check out Phantasy Star Nova!
Q: Can I play with PC/PS4 players using my vita?A: Yes. You won't, however, be able to play with Nintendo Switch players.
Q: Can I use this with a normal vita?A: You need a hacked vita with any firmware to use this - But most vita FWs are hackable. Check this website for more details.
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